Holding Companies

Holding Companies According to Assets

Rank 2021 Company Name
Rank 2021 Company Name
1 F.I.B.I. Holdings
2 The Arison Group
3 Israel Corporation
4 Azrieli Group
5 Delek Group
6 El'Ezra Holdings
7 Equital
8 Discount Investment Corp.
9 Shikun & Binui Real Estate
10 Zur Shamir Holdings
11 AlRov Properties & Lodgings
12 Alon Blue Square Israel
13 Federmann Enterprises Investments
14 Elco
15 Shlomo Group
16 Arad Investments
17 Kenon Holdings
18 Lapidoth Capital
19 Clal Industries
20 Ampa Group
21 Emilia Development (O.F.G)
22 Mivtach Shamir Holdings
23 Afcon Holdings
24 Kerur Holdings
25 Kardan Israel
26 Lahav L.R. Real Estate
27 Knafaim Holdings
28 Leader Holdings & Investments
29 Elron Electronic Industries